"Restoring All Things in Christ,
One Person, One Couple, One Family at a Time"
The Recovery Churches of America are members of:


Our church is a wholistic pro-life jurisdiction.
This means that we believe in the sacredness of all life that God creates. We promote the Christian Vow of Harmlessness and Mercy. It states: "We will not kill, hurt or harm ANY creature of God, unless it be in the individual instance of self-defense of innocent life or basic survival. In turn, we will aid any and all in need of God's Mercy."
We call on all Christians to stand up not only AGAINST abortion, but also FOR a full and happy life for all creatures. In a society where the best the government can do for you if you're young, poor, desperate and with child, is to KILL that child, sterilize you and hold these actions up as a victory for women's rights, the Church needs to be a force for life and that in abundance.
I was a member of Feminists for Life for many years back in Illinois and Wisconsin. I was also on the board of W.E.B.A.-Women Exploited By Abortion, even though I've never had an abortion myself. From holding a flashlight in a hospital corridor for a nurse probing for a coathanger in a botched, back alley abortion, fasting in front of clinics, doing small jail time for praying in the lobby of a "facility", arguing on local television and radio, or counseling those women who have gone through abortion themselves, I have seen and dealt with all sides of this terrible issue. I can tell you that Society is not telling us the grim statistics behind this "legality."
In the 42 years that have passed since the Supreme Court first sanctified the murder of unborn children, we have not only managed to slaughter 4,000 babies each DAY, but we have also declared and waged government sanctioned war on the women, children and men who oppose this evil.
The media paints all those who hate abortion as right winged, wild eyed, fanatical kooks out to shoot every doctor on sight. They fail to mention that 80% of most people of color oppose abortion as genocide! (The ORIGINAL Black Panthers, for instance, were big advocates against baby killing.)
The same media ignores the Seamless Garment Network which works just as hard against capital punishment as it does against abortion on demand. This network contains such people as Maya Angelou, the late Cardinal Bernadine, and Mother Teresa-not exactly the lunatic fringe. Did you also know about the OTHER pro-lifers like Anarchists for Life, Pagans for Life, Black Americans for Life and Atheists for Life? No, of course not!
That might mean that abortion is not just an issue for the moral majority, but a measuring rod for those who deal with the most basic of issues; namely, life and death.
Now, we've unleased RU486 on the unsuspecting public as an abortion pill.
A form of this chemical baby killer was tested on my mother when she was carrying me. Her doctor had told her that she was "too old to have another baby," and that I would "probably be retarded." As a result of these little talks she was given a drug to dispose of her pregnancy quietly.
The Mercy of God kicked in though, and I didn't go away. The doctor suggested more traditional methods. A week before she was scheduled to have a D and C, my grandmother talked my mother out of it. I lived, despite the complications that the drug caused in labor. "One of the best decisions I ever made," Mommy said.
On the other hand, women who have gone through with abortions have more problems than you might ever imagine. One of my dearest friends had two. To this day she still struggles with the regret of babies that she will never hold in her arms and love-in this life anyway.
There is no do over in abortion. Yet, our totally dishonest society hosts "baby" showers for an unborn child, yet insists on calling that same child the "products of conception" when the mother doesn't want the baby.
When you have that kind of double speak, there isn't any room for healing women who have lost their children through stillbirth or miscarriages. There is even less help for women suffering from PAST-Post Abortion Stress Syndrome. This is an actual psychological reaction that occurs after an abortion that can involve:
-physical problems such as breakthrough bleeding, sterility, ectopic pregnancies, severe PMS, hormonal imbalances, and cervical cancer
-emotional and mental problems like depression, anxiety attacks, suicidal urges, modd swings-even psychotic episodes.
Women have reported: hearing babies screaming and crying in the dead of night involuntary flashbacks to the event, especially in supermarkets or malls that have similar lighting to the clinic or hospitals where the women had their abortions, sudden urges to smother, strangle or stab their living children or themselves.
These mothers often treat the child that comes after the aborted sibling(s)in ways that are best described as "wierd."; while marriages suffer under the burden of the murder that won't go away. Co-dependent behaviors increase, as well as controlling reactions between parents, spouses and children.
Did you know, for example, that anoxeric behaviors and their healings are often linked to the forcefully missing member of the family? Dr. McCall, an Episcopalian priest, who is also a psychiatrist, has done a lot of work on this subject. Read his book, "Healing the Family Tree"
Make no mistake about it. Abortion is a sin that can destroy an entire family and curse the next generation to come with patterns of suicide, murder, substance abuse and divorce. As Dr. McCall puts it: "Abortion is like having an elephant die and then leaving her body to rot on the living room couch. Though everyone ignore it's presence, it's stench affects the whole house sooner or later."
The key to bringing healing to this syndrome is the Truth of Christ Jesus, Who embraces and heals our broken hearts. As liturgicals we can bring in the Real Presence of Christ Jesus to heal and restore our families to wholeness and peace. Our new regional Church will house the Shrine of Mary, Our Lady of Recovery and Mother of Forgiveness, as a place of healing, reconciliation and deliverance for women after abortions and miscarriages. Our church's order, the Mercy Apostles of the Holy Spirit, will provide free counseling and healing prayer for anyone struggling with abortion and other healing issues, including exorcism.
Later, as a part of our healing outreach for women, we will open Many Waters Healing Center, a free, 100 bed hospital that will feature state of the art Western medicine, alternative, holistic healing for women in need of support during their pregancies. The other acreage on the site of our church will offer low cost, single family housing for single mothers and working class poor families in Eagle's Nest Co-housing Village.
That's our response to this inter-nationalized evil.
The new church building will also feature the Success Academy. The school will train single mothers and working class families in job skills from truck driving to computer programming, along with spiritual and Biblically based success techniques.
There are almost twenty-five other sources on tap to support this ministry as it grows.Watch for more as it develops. The key to stopping the murder of children is to teach respect, love, support and care for the MOTHERS of children.
If you or your church believes in the sanctity of LIFE, please contact us!
+Pastor T