The word "apostle" taken from the Greek language. It means "One who is sent." Jesus is the Greatest Apostle because He was sent by the Father in the power of the Holy Spirit to save the world, (John 3:16). The Holy Spirit was sent from the Father to the world through the Son to sanctify the followers of Christ, (John 16: 7).
God called this religious Order of the Holy Face of Jesus to go out into the world and find the Presence of Jesus among the lost, broken, rejected and unwanted of the earth. We are to minister to them by treating them the way we would treat the Incarnate Lord. We do this when we reach out in one of the traditional acts of God's mercy for the body, spirit and soul. Members of this Order are conduits for the Mercy of the Lord, pouring out over the dry and hurting world, like a fountain of love and healing.
This takes commitment to Christ and to the community in the world would lead us to hate and fear. But we keep our eyes on God and move forward as witnesses to Divine Mercy in the midst of a world filled with cruelty and compromise. In such a hate filled time as this, being committed to Mercy is a revolutionary act. Come join us in the Uprising of Faith, Hope and Love!
Romans 12
2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Paranoia is in bloom,
The PR transmissions will resume
They'll try to push drugs that keep us all dumbed down
And hope that we will never see the truth around
(so come on)
Another promise, another seed
Another packaged lie to keep us trapped in greed
And all the green belts wrapped around our minds
And endless red tape to keep the truth confined
(so come on)
They will not force us
They will stop degrading us
They will not control us
We will be victorious
by Muse
Published by
Lyrics © Warner/Chappell Music, Inc.
Read more: Muse - Uprising Lyrics | MetroLyrics
The Lord Jesus Christ is God the Son from all Eternity and the Son of Mary through the power of the Holy Spirit. When He came to earth, it was to suffer the two penalties of sin which are spiritual death and separation from God and physical death, which is the separation of body from the soul and spirit on earth.
Jesus did this out of His Love for us and His Love for the Father and the Holy Spirit. Now, some two thousand years later, we have:
1) The Holy Gospels as a record of His Words of Covenant with us
2) The Sacraments of Holy Communion and Baptism, as well as the other five Sacraments of Marriage, Holy Orders in Ministry, Healing, Confirmation in the Holy Spirit and Reconciliation in Christ that convey the presence of the Covenant of the Lord.
3) The Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Godhead is the Seal of the Promises of the Lord by living in us as the first, last and greatest Gift of God.
But, this wasn't enough for the Lord! As recorded in the Gospel of Saint John the Beloved Apostle, Jesus left a visible sign of His Resurrection from the dead on the burial cloths that His followers found in His tomb on the third day, after His holy death on the Cross.
The cloths were venerated for many years by the Christian church. But, it took the wonders of modern photography to capture the true beauty of the Face of Jesus from His burial cloths. Back almost a hundred years ago, an Italian photographer did the negative of the cloth that you see on this webpage. Many scientists feel that some strange energy burned the image of the face and body of the Man of Sorrows into the very burial fabric when Jesus rose from the dead.
It was this event that caused the earthquake recorded in Scriptures at the time of the Resurrection. Since then many people through out the Christian world, both in the Eastern and Western church, have loved the Holy Face of Jesus.
Our Order is named for the power of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Face. Both are signs of the Mercy of God. It is this message of Mercy that animates our lives in the Order-the Everlasting Mercies of the Lord our God.
That might sound strange coming from an Order that promotes martial arts. But the truth is that the core of all true Warrior Arts is Compassion and it is this compassion that both empowers and guides the hands of those who are called to fight for justice in an often unjust world.
Are you interested in a lifestyle that promotes Christ and His plan and purposes of mercy and justice in your life and the lives of those around you? Then, please read on and think about joining us for Christ!
This is a traditional painting of the burial of Jesus after He died on the Cross. Notice the burial cloth or shroud being placed on his body. This formed the Holy Shroud of Christ, after His Resurrection